Latvian Language Agency starts the implementation of the project of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund “Latvian language learning in order to promote third country natioanals’ inclusion in the job market 2 (Nr.PMIF/8/2019/3/01)” and invites third country nationals to participate in the project events that have been planned.
- Latvian language courses
Latvian language courses are planned in groups from A1 to B2 level and they start in March and April 2020. Classes take place in groups of 10-15 people, for a total of 120 hours; at the end of the course students may take a Latvian language test and receive a certificate.
- Latvian language clubs
Third country nationals wishing to improve their Latvian language speaking skills are invited to participate in interactive Latvian language clubs which take place at the same time with the language courses. We invite both those who attend Latvian language courses, as well as those who do not, to participate in the language clubs. Local citizens, who wish to help foreigners to learn Latvian, are also kindly invited.
- Integration courses
In addition to language learning, the project also provides students with the opportunity to learn about integration issues concerning current social, political, economic and cultural processes in Latvia. Innovative and interactive teaching methods are used in the integration courses, for instance, role-play, discussions, etc. Integration courses may be attended both by Latvian language learners and those third country nationals who do not attend such courses. Moreover, close relatives of the target group representatives as well as local citizens are also invited.
All project events are free of charge, LVA provides training materials in handouts as well as the necessary stationery for the learning process.
For further information as well as to apply for a place in the project, please, call 67350764 or send an e-mail to: